Bedford County’s Comprehensive
Crime Victims’ Center
Your Safe Haven, Inc. officially opened on July 1, 1996, as Bedford County’s first comprehensive crime victims’ center. Your Safe Haven, Inc. is a non-profit corporation working within Bedford County, PA. This program was based on the basic beliefs that:
- All individuals have a right to live their lives free of emotional, physical and sexual violence.
- Violence in any form is not acceptable behavior.
- Communities have a responsibility to help victims of violence in their neighborhoods.
- Violence traumatizes victims, family members and negatively impacts children who observe or hear it.
- Family members of crime victims have a right to receive support.
- Societal norms and prejudices that condone violence in our society and in our families must be stopped.
- The effects of violence does not only target individual victims but, can negatively impact their family.
- The impact of violence can be fear, loss of security and helplessness.
Your Safe Haven, Inc. provides direct services to approximately 1,400-1,500 adults and children each year.
Victims of crime and their families often experience fear and loss of security. These are common reactions. If you or someone you know has been the victim of a crime, help is available by calling 814-623-7664 or toll-free at 1-800-555-5671. All services are free and confidential.